Anti Pakistan forces supported by foreign hands

Friday, April 17, 2009

Posted on April 14, 2009 by pakistanfront

By Zaheerul Hassan

Anti Pakistan forces supported by foreign hands became more active in
achieving their set objective of separation of Balochistan after
foreseeing their defeat in Afghanistan, FATA, Bajaur and Swat.
Deliberate efforts of anti Pakistan block regarding creation of
Greater Balochistan is under its way and reached on its peak after
elimination of three nationalist leaders. Now it's the responsibility
of patriotic politicians, and media to feel their responsibility to
unveil the actual conspiracy of disintegration of our mother land. The
electronic media should not act as fueling instrument of further
igniting the situation. The political leadership and media should play
their role to defuse the situation by narrating actual facts behind
the plot against Pakistan. They must reveal the possible motives and
objectives of interior and exterior anti Pakistan elements. The events
leading to the current situation speeded up when a possible shape of
map of Pakistan in 2015 was shown in various newspapers and on
electronic channels of some foreign media. In fact it was an
intentional effort of injecting the idea of Greater Balochistan in
general masses. Sorry to say that our some of electronic media
channels and so called journalists like Saleem Shahzad have started
projecting and defending Jews and Indian point of view. Some of the
analysis's failed to comprehend the actual root causes of the problem
and indirectly started playing in the hands of anti Pakistan channels
and media pundits. Baloch nationalist' s leaders by design started
maligning Pakistani intelligence agencies on the instruction of their
launchers countries (US and India).


The true face of islam

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This is the real Islam that you don't see in the media everyday so please help spread these videos. rate and comment them so they could be put on you tubes main page and for every one to see the real Muslims.

Islamaili (Aga Khani) and their difference of belief from Muslims.‏

Monday, April 13, 2009

Who are Ismaili (Aga Khani) ?
Islamili (Aga Khani) and their difference of belief from Muslims.

1. The Ismailis (followers of the Aga Khan) all professedly believe that the Qur'an was time bound and was not meant to be a Universal message for all times. They believe that their spiritual leader, Karim Aga Khan, is the "walking - talking Qur'an" and his "religious pronouncements", whatever they may be, are the "guidance" for the present times. The fundamental article of faith that there will not be any NEW revelations or "wahy" after the Qur'an, is being completely violated by the Ismailis.

2. The Aga Khan has officially Declared himself, before his followers, as the "Mazhar of Allah on earth". The word "mazhar" means "copy" or "manifest". Consequently, these Ismailis who call themselves Muslims do "sujood" before him. So even the primary axiomatic principle of Tawheed is being fundamentally and formally violated by them.

3. The Ismailis are not instructed to offer the Islamic Salaah, observe Saum or perform Hajj. They have replaced Salaah with certain shirk-infested Dua'as (thrice a day). They are told that their Hajj is a personal "Glimpse" (Deedaar) of Karim Aga Khan.

4. The Aga Khan and his appointees 'forgive the sins' of the followers on regular basis. Ismailis are misled into believing that they will not be questioned on the Day of Judgment for the sins that are already forgiven in their Jamatkhanas (community centers). Forgiving of sins is the exclusive prerogative and privilege of Allah (swt) alone. Qur'an 3:135.

5. Against this backdrop, most of the poor (spiritually poor) Ismailis who are not introduced to al-Furqan are confused and misguided. Hence, Ismailis are very easy prey to missionary efforts by various Christian groups and Baha'is. I have known a couple of young ex-Ismailis who are today preaching "Pauline Christianity" to Ismailis as evangelical missionaries.

6. Karim Aga Khan's own daughter Zahra having married a practising Christian has opened the gates for young Ismailis girls to follow the footsteps of a family member of their beloved Imam-e-Zaman. The parents of the Ismaili girls who wish to marry outside of Islam have no recourse but to let them go.

7. The Aga Khan has made Halaal for the Ismailis that which Allah has made Haraam for the Muslims. Taking of interest (usury) is not forbidden by the religious instruction classes run by the "Tariqaah" board of the Ismailis. As a matter of fact, the much publicized "Venture Capital" program (details on the website of FORBES Magazine - search under "Aga Khan"), of loaning funds on interest by the AKFED (Aga Khan Fund & Economic Development), has been a great success. Similar entrepreneurial projects are now being actively promoted and introduced to poor Muslims of Tajikistan and neighboring areas.

8. The Muslim Ummaah and the various Muslim leaders are not fully aware of these Un-Islamic acts and beliefs of this community of less than two million members, who claim to be the Ismaili Muslims. Surprisingly, their leader Aga Khan claims himself to be a spiritual leader of 15 million Muslims and a Direct Descendant of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).

9. Earlier, one did not have authentic books on Ismailism, but it is not so anymore. There are two authentic books as well as one comprehensive web site exposing the inner practices of the Ismailis and the Proclamations (Farmans) of the Aga Khans. Hence, now you have no "hujjah" argument or excuse left before Allah (swt) for not taking up the task of inviting the misguided "Ismaili Muslims" towards the Deen of Allah (swt) and not safeguarding them from committing unpardonable sin of Shirk.


Why rebellion is being planted in Baluchistan‏