Why the ISmaelies are declared non-muslims….

Friday, August 27, 2010

Reply to a Comment from the post Islamaili (Aga Khani) and their difference of belief from Muslims.‏ I have to write down the whole story let me clear Why the ISmaiilies are declared non-muslims….

1. Declaring believe in Allah, and believe in the Prophet is the basis of faith, however it is NOT enough and lots of other ‘nice’ things does not suffice to save onself from Hell.

2. The Aga Khan of the Ismailis presents Farmans and they are accepted as doctrine

This is a recorded Farman of Aga Khan III wherein he says;

“If I say it is night, (you are to believe) it is night. If I say it is day (you are to believe) it is day”

In contrast Allah (swt) says:

“Give the warning to those in whose (hearts) is the fear that they will be brought (to Judgement) before their Lord, for whom there is no protecting friend nor intercessor beside Him (Allah), that they may ward off (evil)” “… and who can forgive sins except Allah?” Holy Quran 6/51 and 3/135

This speech is also documented well in Ismaili books you can check it out for yourself if you doubt what I say. You dont have to be a genius to know that this is clear heresy.

Mowla’na Ima’m Hasan Ala’Zikrihis Salaam (23rd Ismaili Imam) declared the Youm-el-Qiya’ma, the Day of Resurrection, which was held on the nineteenth of Ramaza’n, 559 a.h. (10th of August, 1164). Thousands upon thousands of Ismai’ilis came from all corners of the world to attend this important day of resurrection of the holy faith. The Holy Ima’m declared…
“Today I have explained to you the Law [shari'at] and its meaning. I make you free from the rigidity of the Law and resurrect you from the bondage of the letter to the freedom of the spirit of the Law. Obey me and follow my farma’n…. Break your fast and rejoice. This is the day of utmost happiness and gratitude.”